Public transport during the pandemic - problems and solutions

Public transport during the pandemic - problems and solutions

Public transport during the pandemic - problems and solutions | Novatronic

New rules in public transport as a result of the Covid-19 virus pandemic and in connection with that one of the most important questions for both users and operators of public transport is the total number of passengers in vehicles, displayed in real time. The answer to this problem was given by Novatronic in a joint project realized in cooperation with the public transport operator JGSP Novi Sad, where it successfully implemented a system that informs public transport users via information displays about the total number of passengers in the vehicle.

The entire system functions on the basis of data obtained from automatic passenger counters, which are located above each door in the vehicles, monitoring the total number of passengers entering and exiting. After collection, the data is processed in the software, and final prints are created on information displays that show the degree of occupancy of the vehicle itself in real time. The obtained data is displayed in percentages, expressed in several categories, from empty to filled.

Public transport during the pandemic - problems and solutions | Novatronic