Delivery of a passenger information system for Auto promet Sisak

Delivery of a passenger information system for Auto promet Sisak

Delivery of a passenger information system for Auto promet Sisak | Novatronic

In the first quarter of 2022, Novatronic successfully implemented the project of delivery of a passenger information system for a total of 9 vehicles for the public transport operator Auto promet Sisak.

Delivered vehicles are equipped with the current version of the Novatronic passenger information system in the form of LED displays (front, rear and side) as well as the NBY20 control unit. For the purpose of informing passengers, Novatronic TFT monitors have been installed inside the vehicle, which enable the display of multimedia content in high resolution.

The delivered devices for 9 new vehicles represent the continuation of the successful cooperation with Auto promet, when in 2019 the delivery of the Novatronic passenger information system for a total of 24 vehicles was successfully completed.

Delivery of a passenger information system for Auto promet Sisak | Novatronic